Ellipsoid Volume Calculator

Ellipsoid Volume Calculator

Ellipsoid Volume Calculator

Ellipsoid Volume Calculator
Ellipsoid Volume Calculator


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An ellipsoid is a three-dimensional geometric shape resembling a stretched or compressed sphere. It can be defined by three semi-axes, which are the lengths of the principal axes. The volume of an ellipsoid can be calculated using the following formula:



  • � is the volume of the ellipsoid,
  • � is a mathematical constant (approximately 3.14159),
  • �, �, and � are the semi-axes of the ellipsoid.

To use the ellipsoid volume calculator, you need to input the values for the three semi-axes (�, �, and �). The calculator will then apply these values to the formula and provide you with the calculated volume of the ellipsoid.

It’s worth noting that the semi-axes represent the half-lengths of the ellipsoid along its principal axes. The formula reflects the ellipsoid’s inherent symmetry, and the product of the three semi-axes is scaled by a factor of 43 and multiplied by the constant � to determine the volume.